Sunday, 9 January 2011

Spring Book Fair - 9th April 2011

Our Spring Boookfair will be on April 9th. This sounds like a long time away, but there is a lot to do and so preparations are starting up.

There's a strong existing group of people to do these things, but help would be very much appreciated (to achieve more; to do new things; to give established hands some assistance or a rest). Helen is particularly interested to find additional help with the publicity (you can never do too much publicity). Because there is a strong existing group, newcomers will find plenty of old hands to guide them in what needs to be done.

One vital task is a series of pricing evenings, where OOG members get together in the store rooms to sort and price books. It's a sociable as well as productive time, and a good way in to things if you have recently joined the group, or want to do more this year.

These Book Fairs which raise £4,000 - £5,000 a year in recent years. If you would be interested to help out, please email us ( )

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