Monday, 22 December 2008

2008 AGM Report

We thought you might want to know how the AGM went, so here’s a little report on the key points. If you would like to read the full minutes, which include the annual accounts and a report on the year’s activities (also summarised in the thank you section below) just contact me and I can email or post them to you.

Total raised by OOG this year: £8,900.22
Total transferred to Oxfam during this year: £11,210.08

Committee elections for 2009:
Chair – Julia Gilbert (sec Rachel Iliffe)
Treasurer- Chris Baker (sec Julia Gilbert)
Membership Secretary – Anastasia Heath (sec Chris Baker)
Media Secretary – Rachel Iliffe (sec Katie May)
Secretary –there were two candidates: Anna Myers and Naveed Chaudhri. There was therefore an election – see below.
Neither candidate could be present. Meeting felt that either would be excellent. Naveed was understood to be interested in chairing the One World Fair workgroup for 2009 and it was suggested that it might be better for him not to have secretarial workload as well. A vote was held: AM 7 votes, NC 0 votes.
Anna Myers was elected Secretary
Chair agreed to ask Naveed to serve as committee member without portfolio. [since the meeting, Naveed has agreed to be co-opted onto the committee]

Membership fees for 2009: It was agreed to leave these unchanged.
£3.50 unwaged
£10 single waged person
£14 family

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