We can congratulate ourselves on a good fundraising year. Overall, the amount raised for Oxfam (and for Oxfam's contributions to major disasters, where Oxfam raises money via the DEC) was £11,304.37. That's up on 2009, where we raised £8,900, and a broadly similar result to 2008 and 2007.
Net income for our major fundraisers was as follows:
• Haiti DEC street collection - £3,335 (passed directly to DEC as per DEC rules; does not appear in OOG accounts)
• Book Fairs - £4,882.98
• Walk - £1,690.35 (£947.76 through our books, and £742.59 raised via VirginMoneyGiving, resulting in it going to Oxfam directly)
• One World Fair - £1,676.10 (because the One World Fair is late in the accounting year, the final total for the 2010 Fair may differ slightly from this)
These ventures all did better than in 2009 - Bookfairs were about the same; The One World Fair did 35% better, the Walk 56% better. The bulk of our fundraising now comes from these regular ventures, which year after year turn in excellent - indeed remarkable - results. Consistently netting Oxfam about £10,000 per year is a significant and unusual achievement for a volunteer group, and we need to remember to congratulate ourselves. Naturally, it would always be better to do more, and to add more events and activities. (Suggestions are always welcome).
A full set of accounts is available on request.
We had a quiet year on campaigning in 2010 - but aim to do more in 2011 (hence next Wednesday's campaigns meetup).
The committee elected for 2011 was:
• Chris Baker - Chair
• Christine Tucker - Treasurer
• Anastasia Heath - Membership Secretary
• Naveed Chaudhri - Minutes Secretary
• Jan Treacher - Committee Member.
Rachel Walsh (Rachel Iliffe until she married this year) has stood down from committee duties after many years service, but is remaining an OOG member - thank you for all you have done, Rachel.
This gives us a functional committee (nearly identical to last year's). The committee would be delighted to co-opt further members if anyone would like to help - in particular, we would appreciate help with OOG publicity.